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Why Choose a Catholic School?


Is a catholic school the right educational choice for your child?

One of the most important decisions you will make as a parent is where to send your child to school. “What if school prepared your child for more than reaching the next grade? What if it taught character and conviction — in addition to curriculum?” (

St. Laurentius School – a Fishtown treasure since 1890 – provides a nurturing environment that educates the whole child – mind,. body & spirit. We strive every day to fulfill the Archdiocese’s mission of creating students with “sharper minds…brighter spirits…kinder hearts” . We believe emphatically in the potential of every student. We teach compassion, encourage curiosity, and give your child the direction they need to find purpose in everything they pursue.

  • SLS offers smaller class sizes with an average of 15:1 student to teacher ratio (versus 33:1 for Phila Public Schools).  Not only do smaller class sizes afford more attention to the student (for more tailored instruction), there are less disruptions during instruction, and they allow the students to develop better relationships with their fellow classmates.
  • Catholic schools have higher rates of graduation from high school (99.2% – versus –  84.1% – national average for public schools)
  • Catholic schools also have higher rates of matriculation into 4-year colleges (86.5% – versus – 46% – national average for public schools)

However, the numbers only tell part of the story. There is a palpable spirit and comaraderie in our school that is best witnessed in person. Consider scheduling a visit today!

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